Meet the Fishers

Southspoon Farms is a family owned and operating business located in Yantis, TX. Known for milking cows for over 3 decades, Southspoon Farms is now also home to one of the largest goat dairies in the region, housing 60-80 milking does and over 150 goats total on the farm.
We sell raw milk and other dairy products on our farm along with fresh eggs, beef, pork, chicken and soap made with our goat milk. We also deliver our farm fresh milk to delivery points across East Texas. Check out the online store to find a place nearest to you.
We look forward to meeting you!
The Family

Bryant & Marilee
Bryant and Marilee have been in the cow dairy business for 30 years, and in recent years have devoted more of their passion to the goat dairy with the help of their family.
Bryant helps with managing the goat herd, and enjoys working on his Hesston tractor collection in his spare time. Marilee is a retired nurse and enjoys spending time on the farm with the grandkids and cooking for her family.
Blake & Kendra
Blake and Kendra manage the dairy and strive to continue the family farm tradition. Blake spends most of his time managing the cows and goats along with the day to day farm chores. Kendra manages the farm store, ordering and deliveries.
They have 2 daughters, Hadlyn and Haisley. The girls keep us busy with their activities, from showing our dairy heifers to playing softball!

J.R. & Vanessa
J. R. & Vanessa, along with their hoss of a son Brody, are all about farm life. J. R. works for COBA Select Sires as a genetic and reproductive consultant and that leaves Vanessa & Brody to tend to the chickens.
J. R., Vanessa and Brody have started Fisher3Farms. They plan on working closely with Southspoon Farms and developing free range egg production. Their goals are not limited to just egg production, but also hatching eggs, chicks, pullets and laying hens. Egg color and working with modern and heritage breeds is what makes it fun!
Colton & Laryn
The Emerson family is also a big part of Southspoon Farms. Colton helps with deliveries and farm work. Laryn works the farm store along with her sister Kendra.
They have 3 boys, Braxton, Kouper and Ryder. The boys enjoy the farm life, showing cows and playing baseball.

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